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Trading Pollution for Good Jobs and a Cleaner Climate

A promising strategy to achieve these dual goals of reducing emissions while investing in U.S. clean manufacturing is the implementation of a carbon border fee. This fee would be applied to imported industrial products that have a higher carbon intensity than their domestic equivalents, effectively rewarding domestic production manufactured under stronger environmental and labor regulations.

BlueGreen Alliance Responds to Biden Tariff Announcement

President Biden today announced increased tariffs on electric vehicles, steel and aluminum, solar panels, and other goods from China and underscored how the tariffs will help protect U.S. workers from unfair trade practices. Following the announcement, the BlueGreen Alliance released a statement from Executive Director Jason Walsh.

Bill to Secure School HVAC Improvements Passes the Colorado Legislature

A bill passed yesterday by the Colorado legislature, the HVAC Improvements for Public Schools bill, will create pathways for Colorado public schools to receive federal funding for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and air quality improvements. This legislation will also help school districts secure matching funds through the state and satisfy new federal funding requirements put in place to ensure that work is done by qualified workers and that jobs created by federal investment are good-paying jobs

Railroad Safety Bill Keeps Rolling Forward in Colorado Legislature

The Colorado Senate Transportation & Energy Committee passed HB24-1030 late last week, a railroad safety bill. If signed into law, the bill will require railroad companies to invest in additional automated wayside detectors that will help identify mechanical problems on trains and alert workers to take preventative actions to avoid a derailment.