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  • Teilnehmende Verlage Verteilung Online

    >VerlagDomainAssociation L'Agendawww.strong>l-agenda.chAssociazione artistica PETRUSKAbackstage.zohner.comAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>aargauerzeitung.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>badenertagblatt.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong> Zeitungen AGwww.strong>basellandschaftlichezeitung.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>bzbasel.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>grenchnertagblatt.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>limmattalerzeitung.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>oltnertagblatt.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>schweizamwochenende.chAZ Zeitungen AGwww.strong>solothurnerzeitung.chberechnungsblaetter.chberechnungsblaetter.chBote der Urschweiz AGwww.strong>bote.chCat Consultingmamahatjetztkeinezeit.>chcatherineduttweilerspan>.>chcatherineduttweilerspan>.chCH Regionalmedien AGagenda.luzernerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGagenda.tagblatt.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.32today.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>aargauerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>appenzellerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>argoviatoday.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>badenertagblatt.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>baerntoday.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>bzbasel.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.fm1today.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>grenchnertagblatt.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>limmattalerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>luzernerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong> Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>nidwaldnerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>obwaldnerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>oltnertagblatt.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>pilatustoday.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>solothurnerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>tagblatt.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong> Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>thurgauerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>urnerzeitung.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>zueritoday.chCH Regionalmedien AGwww.strong>zugerzeitung.chClickomaniablog.clickomania.chCode Schmiede GmbHalsnuff.chCode Schmiede GmbHalsnuff.deConradin Cramer Eigenverlagconradincramer.chDas Lammdaslamm.chDie Angeloneswww.strong>dieangelones.chDigitec Galaxus AGwww.strong>digitec.chDigitec Galaxus AGwww.strong>galaxus.chDr. Cachelin's Wissensfabrikwww.strong>wissensfabrik.cheecomm GmbHwww.strong>ee-news.cheecomm GmbHwww.strong>eenews.chelk Verlag AGwww.strong>elkverlag.chFelder Online Marketingzugradar.infofinews AGwww.strong>finews.chfinews AGwww.strong>finews.comFixxpunkt...span>
  • Gemeinsamer Tarif 8 (English version)

    >...>thespan>strong> correctness of >thespan>strong> report, >thespan>strong> collecting society may commission an independent expert to check >thespan>strong> data. >Thespan>strong> users provide >informationspan> and allow access to data and IT systems. If >thespan>strong> remuneration resulting from >thespan>strong> audit deviates by more than 10% to >thespan>strong> disadvantage of >thespan>strong> user, >thespan>strong> user is obliged to reimburse >thespan>strong> collecting society >forspan> >thespan>strong> costs of >thespan>strong> audit. 13 >Informationspan> on >thespan>strong> UID is available at wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> Tarif f GT 8 2023-2027 10/10 8 Invoicing 8.1 After completion of >thespan>strong> notification procedure, >thespan>strong> collecting society invoices >thespan>strong> royalties owed >forspan> >thespan>strong> entire calendar year. 8.2...span>
  • tariff_art_2016

    >...arising from this tariff. 7 III Special part 1 Printed and digital image carriers Book, catalogue, agenda, newspaper, magazine, CD, DVD etc. as well as >thespan>strong>ir c>overspan>+strong>booklet, slide, projection foil, PowerPoint etc. Compensation per reproduction >Forspan>strong>mat of reproduction to Print run until 1/4-sided 1/2-page 1/1-page 500 60.– 90.– 125.– 1 000 80.– 110.– 155.– 2 000 90.– 125.– 175.– 5 000 110.– 150.– 200.– 10 000 130.– 170.– 240.– 20 000 150.– 200.– 270.– 50 000 200.– 260.– 350.– 100 000 275.– 350.– 450.– 200 000 350.– 425.– 550.– 500 000 650.– 775.– 1’100.– + 950.– 1’400.– 2’000.– Surcharges Title...span>
  • TC 13 Liste de contrôle pour la recherche

    >...Das Telefonbuch31 (Allemagne), Pages blanches32 (France), Pagine bianche33 (Italie); Recherche spé;cifique Catégorie d’œuvre Source d’>informationspan> Images VG Bild-Kunst, Recherche d’artistes34 ADAGP, Recherche d’artistes35 Textes Global Register of Publishers36 de l’Agence ISBN Registre de l’ISSN37 du Centre international de l’ISSN Audio — Vidéo — 23 http://wwwstrong> 24 25 https://wwwstrong> 26 https://wwwstrong> 27 https://wwwstrong> 28 https://wwwstrong> 29 wwwstrong> 30 https://wwwstrong> 31 http://wwwstrong> 32 https://wwwstrong> 33 https://wwwstrong> 34 http://wwwstrong> ?m=0 35 https://wwwstrong> 36 37 ?language=fr http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong>>
  • TC 13 Lista di controllo per la ricerca

    >...clicca su „Contactez-nous“ su wwwstrong>; Consultazione dei consueti elenchi telefonici o di indirizzi: Local.ch30 (Svizzera), Das Telefonbuch31 (Germania), Pagine bianche32 (Francia), Pagine bianche33 (Italia); Ricerca specifica Categorie di opere Fonte di >informazionespan> Immagini VG Bild-Kunst, ricerca artisti34 ADAGP, ricerca artisti35 Testi Global Register of Publishers36 dell’Agenzia ISBN Registro ISSN37 del Centro Internazionale ISSN Audio — 26 https://wwwstrong> 27 https://wwwstrong> 28 https://wwwstrong> 29 wwwstrong> 30 https://wwwstrong> 31 http://wwwstrong> 32 https://wwwstrong> 33 https://wwwstrong> 34 http://wwwstrong> 35 https://wwwstrong> 36 37 https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong>>
  • GT 13 Checkliste Recherche

    >...Ü;berprü;fung der ü;blichen Telefon- und Adressverzeichnisse: Local.ch30 (Schweiz), Das Telefonbuch31 (Deutschland), Pages blanches32 (Frankeich), Pagine bianche33 (Ita- lien)34; Besondere Recherche Werkkategorie >Informationsquellespan> Bilder VG Bild-Kunst, Künstlersuche35 ADAGP, Künstlersuche36 Texte Global Register of Publishers37 der ISBN Agency ISSN-Register38 des ISSN International Centre Audio — Video — 23 http://wwwstrong> 24 25 https://wwwstrong> 26 https://wwwstrong> 27 https://wwwstrong> 28 https://wwwstrong> 29 wwwstrong> 30 https://wwwstrong> 31 http://wwwstrong> 32 https://wwwstrong> 33 https://wwwstrong> 34 wwwstrong> 35 http://wwwstrong> 36 https://wwwstrong> 37 38 http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong>>
  • Information ProLitteris Award 2022

    > Congrè;s, Lausanne. General Assembly 13.30, Award Ceremony 15.00. Inquiries and registrations to Philip ;bler,; Tel +41 43 300 66 15 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ProLitteris is >thespan>strong> Swiss collecting society >forspan>strong> literature and visual arts. Based on tariffs and contracts, we collect royalties >forspan> >thespan>strong> use of copyrights and distribute >thespan>strong>m to >thespan>strong> rights holders: authors, publishers, visual artists and photographers, as well as >otherspan> collecting societies in Switzerland and abroad. >Thespan>strong> ProLitteris cooperative is supported by >thespan>strong> Stiftung Kulturfonds (cultural promotion) and >thespan>strong> Fürsorge-Stif- tung (old-age pensions and emergency aid >forspan>strong> authors). wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> https://wwwstrong> http://wwwstrong>>
  • Licence request form

    >Please send us your licence request as soon as possible. This is a machine translation. In case of doubt, please consult >thespan>strong> German language version. >Thespan>strong> processing of a licence request usually takes a few days. If >furtherspan> >informationspan> is required or if >otherspan> copyright societies or rights holders need to be consulted, >thespan>strong> licensing process may take several weeks. If >thespan>strong> intended use is approved, we will send you >thespan>strong> required licence with >thespan>strong> conditions. ProLitteris does not have an image database, users are responsible >forspan>strong> obtaining image material >thespan>strong>mselves. If available, please also send us layouts, media plan...span>
  • TC 8+9 2017-2022 archive

    >...d’auteur, dans le cadre de l’usage privé;, selon art. 19 al. 1 lit. b) et c) LDA, resp. art. 22 al. 1 lit. b) et c) FL-LDA, et art. 19 al. 2 LDA, resp. art. 22 al. 2 FL-LDA. 5.2.2 la reproduction de partitions, dans le cadre de l’usage privé;, selon art. 19 al. 1 lit. b) et c) LDA, resp. art. 22 al. 1 lit. b) et c) FL-LDA, et art. 19 al. 2 LDA, resp. art. 22 al. 2 FL-LDA. 5.2.3 la reproduction, selon art. 10 al. 2 lit. a) et b) LDA, resp. art. 10 al. 2...span>
  • TC 8+9 2017-2022 archivio

    >...o art. 22 cpv. 2 FL-LDA; 5.2.2 – la riproduzione di spartiti musicali nell’ambito dell’uso privato, come da art. 19 cpv. 1 lett. b) e c) LDA o art. 22 cpv. 1 lett. b) e c) FL-LDA e da art. 19 cpv. 2 LDA o art. 22 cpv. 2 FL-LDA; 5.2.3 – la riproduzione di opere testuali o delle arti figurative e della fotografia, protette e pubblicate, in ambiti estranei all’uso privato, come da art. 10 cpv. 2 lett. a) e b) LDA o art. 10 cpv. 2 lett. a) e b) FL-LDA. Restano escluse la messa in circolazione, l’alienazione...span>