Revolver is a crime drama written and directed by Guy Ritchie. The movie stars Jason Stratham as Jake Green, an ex-convict who decides to get revenge on his ex-boss Macha, played by Ray Liotta. On his quest for revenge, Jake Green will get swept up in a recreation with two other con-artists Zach and Avi. Warning: my review accommodates plot spoilers.
Good article for everyone - Avoid the Disappointing Movie Experience - reccomendations by
I am not a fan of this film. I only rented the film because I am a fan of Jason Stratham. Huge mistake, Huge...I would really like the last two hours of my life again. After being totally confused by the movie, I checked out and now understand the film is suppose to be some work of art that makes individuals think. Whatever...I am easy. I favor movies that designate every little thing quite clearly.
My take of the film was that Zach and Avi had been the two con-artists that have been subsequent to Jake in solitary confinement for 5 years. They help Jake together with his quest for revenge and help Jake understand that revenge is not the answer and that you are your individual worst enemy. But I might be making stuff up because the movie is not totally clear on the plot.
The plot and a number of the scenes may be tedious but the appearing is great. Jason Stratham was wonderful even when he was arguing with himself in the elevator. He performs crazy very well. Andre Benjamin was a nice surprise as Avi. I didn't recognize him at first however now I acknowledge from Outkast. He is definitely an excellent actor, much better then all the opposite singers turned actors. My favourite character is Sorter, the assassin with a heart of gold. The only good scene of the movie is when Sorter decides to avoid wasting Jake's brother and niece. That is the one scene that makes the movie not an entire waste of time.
Some of the scenes are shot very artistically, very lovely. Unfortunately the plot detracts from the nice digital camera angles. Perhaps the director might have fastened that by making the film a silent film. At least he was good at product placement. I won't ever look at a beer bottle the same way again.
I give the movie 1 out of 5 stars. The movie just wasn't to my liking. I know it has a cult following but I am just not into cults.
Revolver (2005) - a Movie Review
#1 - 13 июня 2020, суббота
Сообщений: 1
1685 дней назад
[title]Revolver (2005) - a Movie Review[/title] Revolver is a criminal offense drama written and directed by Guy Ritchie. The movie stars Jason Stratham as Jake Green, an ex-convict who decides to get revenge on his ex-boss Macha, played by Ray Liotta. On his quest for revenge, Jake Green will get s
#2 - 26 июня 2020, пятница
Сообщений: 1
1672 дня назад
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