If you necessity to decrypt a php calligraphy that is encrypted by IonCube, Source Guardian, Zend, TrueBug or some other code cryptor,
send a letter to me on contacts and I see fit cure to decrypt any encrypted php laws,
Or I will facilitate you to remove the license or untie the play from the server!
I decrypt any php scripts encrypted alongside IonCube Decoder, Begetter Paladin, Zend, TrueBug!
Any versions of encryptors.
I choose a small loan for my services
Decompile prices:
1-20 files = 10$ / file
21-50 files = 9$ / file
51-100 files = 8$ / file
101 and more = 7$ / file
contact me at any time
telegram: https://t.me/MR_Fredo
mail: saportcasino@protonmail.com
Always up-to-date prices and examples of decoding:https://zerocode.su/index.php?threads/ioncube-decoding-and-deobfuscation-php.9/
decode ioncube files
#1 - 6 ноября 2021, суббота
Сообщений: 1
1205 дней назад
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